Your Appearance Really Counts! 

The phrase "It Pays to Look Well" has been around for decades, and still holds true today.

In today's economy and competitive job market, your appearance can truly be the deciding factor on whether or you are offered employment. Regardless of how well your interview may have gone based on your skills and personality…your appearance really counts also.

The truth is… when people look good and feel good about themselves, there is a self-confidence that they exude.  That in turn, makes them more attractive to potential employers.

If you are looking to get back into the work force and want to make sure you make a good first impression, you can easily do so by taking a few simple steps to improve your appearance.

Body Language is Important

 Body language says a lot about an individual. Even if you feel that you have put together an interview outfit that will definitely impress your potential employer- if you walk into the interview with a demeanor of nervousness or uncertainty

… that will be the first impression that the interviewer will have of you.

 It is perfectly normal to be a bit nervous before a job interview, but if you appear too nervous, your potential employer may feel you don't have the confidence needed for the position.

 One way to combat nervous energy is by taking a few deep breaths before you head for interview. This will allow you to walk in with a confident demeanor - regardless of whether or not you have a few butterflies in your stomach.

Once you sit down and start to chat with the interviewer, your natural confidence will kick in and the interview should go smoothly.


Dress for Success

Dressing for success is definitely important to your appearance when it comes to a job interview. When you dress for success…you will naturally give off an impression of confidence. Dress as if you have the job already.

For women, a "success" outfit may be a crisp white blouse with a sensible skirt, jacket, and a conservative pair of heels. This type of outfit will definitely show the interviewer that you are serious about finding employment and that you will arrive at work each day looking your best.

For men, successful interview attire should consist of a business shirt and tie, along with a nice pair of pressed dress pants. Depending on the position you are applying for, you may also wish to add a suit jacket to complete the look.

By checking out the latest fashions and personalizing your look a bit, you are bound to make a lasting impression.


Creating a Professional Image

When putting together your interview attire, you want to keep in mind that your professional image should be more than just the clothes on your back.

For men, it is always a good idea to stop into the barbershop for a quick trim and possibly a shave before your job interview.

For women, less is definitely more when it comes to a professional hairstyle. If you have longer hair, pulling it away from your face in a bun or French twist will allow for a crisp and professional look that is not too busy or overwhelming.

You can finish off your appearance with a briefcase or portfolio in which you can carry your resume and past work, adding that final touch of professionalism to your image.

Believe in Yourself and You Can Go Far

Remember…your appearance isn't just about clothing. A positive attitude shows through your entire being.

No matter how nervous you may feel about your interview, you can minimize your nerves by taking a few moments to center yourself and breathe.

Believing that you are the right person for the job will give you the encouragement and positive appearance you need to land that position and begin a new, successful chapter in your life.  Remember...Appearance really counts!

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