Life Balance And Self-Reflection

Life balance is an issue that is important to just about everyone. Faced with so many different things vying for our attention each moment of the day - sometimes trying to determine what to focus on can be a struggle...

Balance is the key to lifeIf you find yourself constantly struggling for ways to bring more stability into your life...consider reflecting on how much time you actually spend trying to create that balance.

 It is only when you stop to take a good look at what you are presently doing in order to create it, that you will begin to take some action toward trying to achieve life balance.

Try some of my favorite affirmations and self-reflection questions for gaining balance:

I enjoy a life marked by order and balance, while still cultivating a diverse set of interests.

I am fully capable of maintaining the necessary structure to keep my mind at peace.

To best balance my life, I prioritize my values. Understanding my values enables me to identify the best way to spend my time. With my priorities in order, I fill out my commitment schedule with a wide range of activities that I enjoy.

My planner has room for my responsibilities as well as my interests. I make it a point to include one serious activity and one fun activity every day, because too much of one thing can be detrimental to my life balance.

The key to achieving a healthy balance is to always make time to take care of myself. I enjoy all other activities even more when I am fresh. I take care of myself by nurturing my mind and body.

While working is important, I produce better work when I take time out to pursue other hobbies or read my favorite books. Taking time to relax gives me a more positive mental attitude about my work.

Beginning each day with the intention of making it the best day of my life helps me to maintain a positive outlook. I know how to deal with adversity by putting unforeseen events in perspective.

Today, I choose to keep a balanced life by designating a specific time in my schedule for each of my priorities.

I include a varied array of interests throughout my day and intentionally take care of myself first.

Here are some questions for you to reflect on as you think about how you are bringing balance into your life:

  • How does the quality of my work benefit when I take a break to pursue other hobbies?
  • When was the last time I did something refreshing for myself?
  • How can I incorporate more balance into my schedule?

Repeat the affirmations until you find yourself behaving that way as a matter of routine.  If you get off track…simply start over.  Then, ask yourself those three little questions to help gain more insight into ways for creating that life balance which you need and deserve.

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